Download a trial of our 1D Package.

This version is a trial for commercial use (business & organizational users) and can also be used for free for personal use (a single user on a private server). If you wish to use this software publicly or commercially, you must purchase a license.


Our latest release for PHP7.4 & PHP 8+:
version 7.0.4 (10/18/2021)


Our latest release for .NET Standard 2.0:
version 3.0.1 (5/19/2021)

Node v14+

Our latest release for Node.js:
version 1.0.0 (6/4/2024)

React 16+

Our latest release for React:
version 1.0.1 (6/6/2024)

Log in to download purchased files:

If you've purchased a license, premium files are available for download by logging in into your account.

Log in

How to test other barcodes:

Our 2D libraries like QRCode, Aztec, and PDF417 use the same calls as our 1D Package.
Testing our library is easy:

  1. Download the 1D package to test.
  2. Change a couple lines of code to swap from 1D to 2D.

use BarcodeBakery\Common\BCGColor;
use BarcodeBakery\Common\BCGDrawing;
use BarcodeBakery\Barcode\

$colorBlack = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$colorWhite = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

// Barcode Part
$code = new

var colorBlack = new BCGColor(Color.Black);
var colorWhite = new BCGColor(Color.White);

var code = new

import {  } from '@barcode-bakery/barcode-react/';

export default function Home() {
  return < text="Hello" />

import { BCGDrawing, createSurface, save } from '@barcode-bakery/barcode-nodejs';
import { } from '@barcode-bakery/barcode-nodejs/';

const code = new