Demonstration - Databar Expanded

Generally used for coupons and variable weight items.
Can encode a fixed amount of data.
Data input must follow the GS1 Standard; SSC identifier must be registered.
Contains Expanded and Expanded Stacked versions.
* 30 character limit for this demo.
import { BakeryColor, BakeryFont } from '@barcode-bakery/barcode-react';
import { BakeryDatabarexpanded } from '@barcode-bakery/barcode-react/databarexpanded';

export default function Home() {
  const font = new BakeryFont('Arial', 18);
  const colorBlack = new BakeryColor(0, 0, 0);
  const colorWhite = new BakeryColor(255, 255, 255);

  return <BakeryDatabarexpanded