License for Barcode Bakery for PHP 7.2 & PHP 8.0 1D personal use

End User License Agreement

This Server License is a License Grant covered as defined by the full terms of our End User License Agreement.


You can install Barcode Bakery free for personal use, but if you plan to earn money or increase your productivity, you must acquire a commercial license. Business and organizational users may use the trial version for testing purposes, but must purchase a commercial license for any other use.

You may install Barcode Bakery on a maximum of 1 server belonging to your company. In the instance of using virtual servers, each of them must be individually licensed. The server can run one or multiple HTTP virtual hosts.
The program under this license can be transferred to another server by deleting all files from the old server.
This license covers the current version of this program. An update may require the purchase of a new license. This license may be modified at any time by the Seller ("Barcode Bakery").


No distribution is authorized. The program license does not authorize distribution or sale of Barcode Bakery on its own or as part of any program.

Source Modification

Purchasing a license authorizes modification of the source code. You are allowed to modify the source to suit your needs.
Under no circumstances are Barcode Bakery or its entities responsible for any damages resulting from modification of the source code.

The present copyrights in the source codes must remain intact. These copyrights cannot be deleted or modified.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances are Barcode Bakery or its entities responsible for any direct or indirect damage or malfunction of the script on any device resulting from usage of the original or modified Barcode Bakery script.


Licensee hereby warrants to hold Licensor harmless and indemnify Licensor for any lawsuit brought against it in regards to Licensee’s use of The Software in means that violate, breach or otherwise circumvent this license, Licensor’s intellectual property rights or Licensor’s title in The Software. Licensor shall promptly notify Licensee in case of such legal action and request Licensee’s consent prior to any settlement in relation to such lawsuit or claim.

Limited Warranties

To the extent permitted under Law, The Software is provided under an AS-IS basis. Licensor shall never, and without any limit, be liable for any damage, cost, expense or any other payment incurred by Licensee as a result of Software’s actions, failure, bugs and/or any other interaction between The Software and Licensee’s end-equipment, computers, other software or any 3rd party, end-equipment, computer or services. Moreover, Licensor shall never be liable for any defect in source code written by Licensee when relying on The Software or using The Software’s source code.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to its provisions governing conflicts of law.

Licensee hereby agrees not to initiate class-action lawsuits against Licensor in relation to this license and to compensate Licensor for any legal fees, cost or attorney fees should any claim brought by Licensee against Licensor be denied, in part or in full.